We offer a wide selection of products that ship Once after receiving full payment. Item will be shipped after 3 to 21 working days according to the order. Once your order ships, you will receive a Ship Confirmation email, and have an option to receive email updates on the delivery status of your order.
For large, oversized items we work with special carriers to deliver your order. These carriers will call to schedule delivery so you can be home to inspect your items and accept delivery.
For large items that cannot be shipped, we work with delivery companies to get your items to you. These partners deliver to your curb at the end of your driveway, and you are responsible for moving the items from there
Please note, if you live down a road or driveway that the delivery truck cannot access without causing damage to the truck we may need to make special arrangement for delivery, so please let us know.
We require buyer being home for “curbside” delivery so you can review and inspect your order before accepting delivery. This service does not include in-home delivery, assembly, or removal of packing materials. While we do our best to make sure items are packaged safely and securely to prevent damage, we recognize that fragile products will occasionally break in transit to your doorstep.
We recommend opening the boxes and inspecting the products for any signs of damage, such as broken parts or chips and cracks in the finish. If you see any signs of damage, firmly refuse the damaged items and keep any that are in good condition. Do not let the driver leave without inspecting. If driver refuses to stay during inspection, sign “Subject to Inspection” on the delivery receipt and call us immediately to report damages.
Thank you for visiting our site. We are a water heater wholesaler that focuses on selling commercial